Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Props to Wendy the booky

I was watching The Wendy Williams Show Tuesday morning, and she was announcing that her new book “Ask Wendy” was being released. She said that she is a reader and does not like e-readers and e-books, but LOVES books. She specifically said she likes the smell of books and just to have one in her bag. 

The more celebrities, like Wendy Williams, show their support for printed books, the less likely it is that printed books will fade away and essentially become novelty items. That is not to say that celebrities are going to be the saving grace for books, but it doesn't hurt to have a few power hitters on the side of printed books. If nothing else, it will slow the process. And as far as I can tell "Ask Wendy" is only available in printed (and it looks like hardback) form. Props to her for sticking to what she wants and how she wants to reach her audience. Instead of trying to reach a broader audience by having a digital version of her book, she didn't cave in on what she knows and loves - books!

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