Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Printed lessons

I started a very good book earlier this month. I don't have much time to read it, unfortunately, which is why I am not finished with it yet. I was skeptical about how insightful it would be simply because it is written by an actor. However, I flipped through the pages while in Barnes and Noble as I contemplated buying it, and saw "Marty McFly" flash by my eyes. I had to get this!

Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly in "Back to the Future"
I am a big fan of Back to the Future and an even bigger fan of Michael J. Fox's, so this book would seem like a no-brainer. The title is a fun one as well - "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future... Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned." I, of course, thought if it is a Michael J. Fox book and mentions Marty McFly, it has to be worth the Barnes and Noble bargain priced $5.

Well, even though I am only about half-way through the book, it is surprisingly insightful already. I am learning new things about this actor that I thought I knew so much about. I'm also realizing school is worth every penny, but maybe not in the ways I'm using them.

Not to give too much away, it is a memoir unlike many others. The chapters are short, but they are filled with knowledge. This high school drop out named Michael moves to Los Angeles to become a big Hollywood actor, and he learns many things usually contained to textbooks outside in the real world. I am learning new things about life and school with every turn of the page.

If you get a chance, read it. It's not a deep read, but it's an interesting, fun and (as I've said multiple times) fairly insightful read. To end on a quote I found powerful: "But what's happening to you right now, precisely at this instant, belongs only to you. Own it."